Birthday and Anniversary Parties

Organization of parties near Warsaw

The time spent with family and friends is the best way to celebrate any date of importance to you. Birthdays, name days or wedding anniversaries are all special occasions to hold a family gathering. Give yourself a wonderful gift – Stawisko Hotel is a place which will help you celebrate important events in your life.

Do you want to organize an elegant small party near Warsaw? Or maybe you dream of a grand birthday party? Birthdays, name days, anniversaries, stag and hen parties – there are endless opportunities to celebrate together. Stawisko Hotel is ready for every challenge possible.

Preparing a party for you is a great pleasure for us so we make every effort to tailor it to your dreams and expectations. We want these happy moments to stay in your and your guests memories for a long time. The greatest parties ever in our hotel near Warsaw!

Organizacja przyjęć pod Warszawą Hotel Stawisko Klaudyn

Delicious food is an essential part of every feast. Klaudyn Stawisko Hotel Restaurant makes every effort to ensure the highest possible level of dishes served so that the most demanding guests find them tasty. We specialize in Polish cuisine but we are flexible and open to all your suggestions. Besides, we guarantee professional service as well as friendly and helpful waiters.

We are also good at organizing parties for children. We understand how emotional are such occasions both for children whose birthdays or name days are celebrated and their parents thus we adjust every aspect of the party to the needs of its youngest participants. Are you looking for some extra attractions for children? At Stawisko Hotel we have a play-area with colouring books and a small playground for children in a large spacious garden. Specially prepared sweet menu brings a wide smile on children’s faces.

Our guests highly appreciate additional attractions that we have for them at Stawisko Hotel. In the newly opened part of our recreation complex we have two bowling lanes, a billiards table and professional squash courts which will definitely be the source of excitement and unforgettable memories.

Event Manager
Phone: 604 264 841

Your dream event in Klaudyn at Stawisko Hotel – guarantee of unforgettable memories

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